Rooted In India’s Ancient Traditions

A legacy was born
Our journey started when our family
recipe of Chyawanprash created a
hype in the local community.
VEDA CHYAWANPRASHrecipe of Chyawanprash created a
hype in the local community.
Such traditional recipes were an integral part of our family's daily diet,
which kept us immune to several common seasonal ailments.
This led us to the journey of Ayurveda.
Curiosity led us to study the market
Only to realize that the formulations of the leading brands tasted so different due to their inferior quality of ingredients & mass-production techniques.

Essence of true Ayurveda was long gone. We knew we had to take over.
We choose tradition over fads, using real ingredients and rigorous testing with medical professionals, nutritionists and close group of real customers just like you.
We created a brand that respects
ancient wisdom & traditions for a
better you.
ancient wisdom & traditions for a
better you.

We created a brand that respects
ancient wisdom & traditions for a
better you.
ancient wisdom & traditions for a
better you.
And that’s how Veda was born.